Second Drink

Because then the ice melts and it's like second drink. -Pam Beasley, The office

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Battlestar Galactica is the best show on TV.

Don't get me wrong i still love the Office and My name is Earl and Smallville. But as far as smart sci-fi television is concerned, BG takes the cake, and the cupcakes and the may west (for those not in Quebec a mae west is a cake type snack, creamy filling chocolate on the outside). Last week's episode was what i've been waiting for since the show began. It's not clear if Apollo's going to leave his Cylon wife Dualla (yeah she's a Cylon i'd bet anything on it) for Starbuck, but it's clear that Dualla now has competition. They beat the shit out of eahc other and it ended by them sort of huggin' it out all bloody and then saying "i missed you". Awwww, how sweet....and gross at the same time.

I've now watched Superman Returns about 10 times. Chubby Chaser bought the single dvd (only the movie) on the tuesday it came out. I held back since my dad offered to buy the Ultimate collectors edition for me as Christmas present... but as some of you might already know, there have been some issues concerning a deluxe dvd that's got nothing deluxe about it. So we won't be getting the Ultimate DVDs in Canada until that problem is fixed. Everything was ok up until CC lent the movie to his mom. Which is fine in and of itself, but i was left sans Superman Returns. This was unacceptable. So i went out and bought the double DVD set to tide me over until this fiasco is over. I want to post my thoughts on SR, but i want to be able to do it right.... so i should be getting the laptop in a week or so and then i'll write my thoughts as they come to me.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Lois and Clark, that shit is just weird.

I finished watching the final season last night. It had been almost 10 years since i'd originaly seen it on tv so i really didn't remember how they'd ended their 4 year run. And let's be honest right off the bat shall we? That show was the equivalent of Batman the Adam West years. Can someone say campy? Hell yes. But it was the early '90s and we didn't expect much back then i guess. Dean Cain wasn't the greatest Superman, mostly because he kept referring to Superman in the third person (ei: "oh when Superman stopped the terrorists" not "when I stopped the terrorists") It's weird but it doesn't seem like they knew the show was going to be canceled, it ends very abrutly and in a way that i really dont understand.

In the third season (or maybe early fourth, i don't remember to be honest with you) Lois and Clark get married in the episode "we swear to god, this time we're serious". And it's the weirdest episode ever...until the finale that is. It's like, since DC decided to have Lois and Clark get married in the comic books, they had to have the wedding on tv sort of removed from the "Lois and Clark" continuity. It's a normal episode in which Myrtle Beach (Delta Burke) is dead set on ruining Lois's wedding. But during the entire episode they keep running into "Mike", and he seems to know alot about them, alot. By the end of the episode, Lois and Clark have sent Myrtle to jail (since they had a fake wedding to trap her), but they still aren't married. At this point Clark tells Lois they must go west for some reason. They get to where they're going, without apparently knowing where that is, and all of a sudden, their parents are there and so are Jimmy and Perry. Mike let's them know that "everone remembers today!" and that "do you know how many people have been waiting for this?" And they get married, in this weird other dimension. Or at least that's what i'm deciding that was, for lack of any other explanation.

In the final episode, it's all baby talk. Can we even have a baby? Can we adopt? And apparently the answer is no too both. Star Labs tells Clark that his Kryptonian DNA is not compatible with humans and the adoption agency will not give them a baby because Lois keeps putting herself in mortal danger. Apparently, she's obssessed with Superman, or so the adoption agent tells her. So it's all ending on a down note, no babies no nothin'. Until the last scene, in which Lois and Clark are talking about how they can't have kids, Clark "super-hears" something, but he can't believe what it is he's hearing. They both go downstairs where they find, in a basinette, what is apparently a superbaby. Why do i say Superbaby? Because the kid came with a note that read "Lois and Clark this is your child" and he was rapped in a blue blanket... with the Superman symbol on it. Fade out, end scene. End of show. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT??? I can only imagine how pissed off i was 10 years ago.... but you know what... it's ok, because in 7 days i get to watch Superman Returns, and at least, in this movie, the kid has a name.

Friday, November 17, 2006

BBC vs. NBC, part 2

Ricky vs. Ryan

Winner of Blockbusters or winner of sexiest in the office....


Lee vs. Roy

Although i'm a firm JAM supporter, the RAM has always been close second. And by close i mean i yelled "that's RIGHT! she's having fun! TURN AND WALK AWAY" ... they say it's a fine line between love and hate... i rather hate someone then have no opinion of them.


Jennifer vs. Jan

I honestly thought that Jennifer was mean. Not the way Jan is mean with Michael... she treats him like a child... but Jennifer treats David like a jerk off.


BBC dvd vs NBC dvd

Perhaps i'd made my decision before i even started this... perhaps. Was the first season of NBC's office 6 episodes long?? I was SOOO upset when i put the second BBC dvd in and found a documentary. 6 episodes? WHAT? But then again, the NBC office was also about that....


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

BBC vs. NBC, part 1

i've watched the first 5 episodes of the Office, the BBC version and here's how the battle is going so far.

Wernham Hogg vs. Dunder Mifflin

Ok, i'm gonna have to give it to BBC on this one. I mean there are 2 references to porc in a two word name. WernHAM HOGg. Sorry Dunder Mifflin, but pigs are where the funny is at.


Wernham Hogg office building vs. Dunder Mifflin office building

The layout of the BBC office isn't good, they've got different departments in different offices, i rather see everyone in the same pit. Also Dunder Mifflin is right next to Bob Vance Refridgeration. No contest.


Slough vs. Scranton

How can you compete with a town that's basicly called lazy? well you can't.


Theme music vs. Theme music

Take a listen! BBC Handbags and Gladrags, NBC the Scrantones.

I'm gonna go with NBC on this one because the BBC version makes me want to slit my wrists.


Swearing vs. no swearing

I swear. I can't say i enjoy doing it, but on occasion, fuck/shit/son of a bitch really is the only term that's appropriate. "F." is cute and all but when you get right down to it, I would have liked to see Jim say to Dwight "your a cock, a cock, a cock".


David Brent vs. Michael Scott

Who's the worst boss? Who's the funniest actor? Steve Carell takes the cake in this one. Don't get me wrong, Ricky Gervais is almost as good, but there's nothing like Michael Scott saying "shut it", at least not in the first 5 episodes. I must admit that NBC has lifted jokes word for word, but delivery does count for something in this case.


Boss singing/rapping skillz

In the "Dundies" episode, we get to hear Michael's rappin' skillz. We also get to hear him sing various songs from the '80s. It was ok.... but David went home to get his guitar in the training episode, and HOLY SHIT!!! that guy can rock out!


Tim vs. Jim

This is a tough one. It's almost a tie, but not quite. Martin Freeman makes me feel for Tim just as much as John Krasinski makes me feel for Jim. They're the same. Right down to the little looks they give the camera when the boss is doing something stupid. Even the Dawn/Tim, Pam/Jim relationship/tension is the same. Tim still lives with his folks...suppose that's a negative... although Jim has never danced, Tim has done a nice MJ impression.... this might be shallow, but fuck it, John Krasinski is hot.


Gareth vs. Dwight

At first i thought i'd need to see more to make my decision. Mackenzie Crook does a good job as David's right hand man... he's got a cellphone faux gun holster... when arriving late to a training session in which employees were asked what their ultimate fantasy was (ei :own my own island...) he answered "2 lesbians, sisters, but i'm just watching" Classic. However, Dwight lives on a beet farm. With Moes.... and a coffin in his barn...and the topper, bobblehead Dwight. Gonna have to give it to Rain.


Dawn vs Pam

In this one i know i'm biased. Jenna fischer is the shit and that's that. Her Pam wears kick ass keds, she's a jinks expert, loves the french onion chips and has a killer myspace page. Dawn... gave the object of her supressed feelings a giant inflatable penis and eats brie like she were eating a donut, that's just weird.


Keith vs. Kevin

Another no contest situation. AOK ALL THE WAY!!!!! 'nough said. Keith vs Kevin, Kevin is victorious.


Chris vs. Todd

I have no opinion really..... Todd Packer was in Anchorman... .but that has nothing to do with the office... and Chris, i really have no opinion.


Malcolm vs Creed

Again, i probably shouldn't pick a favorite since i haven't seen all the episodes... but christ Creed was in the Grass roots. You can't really compete with that either. Sorry Malcolm.


to be continued....

Monday, November 13, 2006


I'm watching Smallville and Lana faints at the top of the episode, i turn to CC and say "oh snap! she's totally pregnant" "yeah yeah sure". Was i right??? HELL YEAH I'M RIGHT!!!! This is genius. Seriously. They're having Lana turn into Lex's mom it's crazy!!!! He might even end up killing her if we're lucky. I doubt it, but one can dream right?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

New Ghostrider Trailer!!! click here.

Monday, September 25, 2006

It's occured to me that maybe the people reading my other blog "Locked in the trunk of my car" might not be interrested in Annie's thoughts on tv and movies... and Annie's got lot's of opinions about those things, so Annie needed a place to put them. And here it is : "Second Drink". Because, you see, the ice melts and then it's like second drink. And yes, i did steal that from Pam Beasley on the Office, the Dundies episode, season 2 episode 1. So it's stuff like this that you'll be subject to when opening this page. Useless information about tv shows/movies that Annie likes. Enjoy.